Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday – Changes

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Each week we talk about our top ten with a different topic provided by Jana. This week’s topic is top ten – Changes in my reading life


Genre: I’ve been in a fantasy funk which is a big change because it was my favorite genre for a long time.

Authors: I’ve been making a point to read new authors and go out of my way to find well-loved authors that I haven’t previously read.

Diversity: Reading books filled with diverse characters is something I never thought about doing in the past. But after becoming active on book twitter, I realized that and have been trying to amend that. Diverse books are important and books filled with diverse characters should be the norm.

Own-Voices: Along with diverse characters, I’ve been trying to make a point to read own-voices stories. It’s one thing to read books that include diversity but it’s a whole different thing to read books written by people that are a part of those diverse communities.

Genre (again): For so long I stuck to mostly fantasy and contemporary without thinking about it. Maybe reading a book here or there that was outside of that. But this year I’ve been trying to read all kinds of genres, and I’ve been loving science fiction.

Format: The biggest change in my reading life has been ebooks and audiobooks. I’ve read ebooks now and then over the years. But this year, most of the books I’ve read have been ebooks because that’s what is easiest to read with a wild one-year-old. Another change is audiobooks. I’d never listened to one before this year. I’m listening to one as I type this now. With all the different formats I’m able to read so much more.

Book Twitter: Twitter has always been my favorite social media outlet. But that was solidified when I discovered the community of fellow book lovers. I find so many new favorite books and authors through twitter.

Rereading: I have always loved rereading books, but over the last few years I feel like I haven’t done it as much as I have in the past. I think getting back into blogging and reviewing is helping me better remember the books I read so that I don’t have to reread a whole series before reading the newest release. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t reread at all.

Book Buying: I’ve gone a bit book-buying crazy this year. After moving three times in a year and finally settling in a place I knew I would live for several years, I was able to start buying books again and now it may or may not be out of control.

These are some of the changes in my reading life that I’ve noticed. What changes have you noticed in your reading habits? Leave a comment and let me know!

Keep on reading lovelies, Amanda.


12 thoughts on “Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday – Changes

  1. I’ve never been a big re-reader, unless a movie or show was coming out based on something I read previously. But that’s me. Hahaha… book buying can get us all into trouble at times. I’ve had to make a point to not buy anything because once I start, it doesn’t stop.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  2. I do find that if I am looking at two books that are similar and feature diverse characters, I will select the OwnVoices book over the other. I just find the stories give me more of what I am looking for when they come from a member of the group represented in the book. I don’t know if I would consider this a change for me, but it’s something I am more aware of than I used to be.

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